day 1 | LOST: once upon a time there was a little goblin who was completely fed up. everything got on his nerves: his work, his large family (he had four siblings who always knew everything better than him), the food at home, and even the autumnal weather and the darkness annoyed him. so he decided to take a little hike. but as the day went on, fog came up and he no longer knew where front and back, up and down were. 
day 2 | INK: with difficulty the little goblin felt his way into the forest and sat down under a large tree. he cursed himself and this day and wished he were somewhere else. he grumbled to himself when he spotted something shimmering and glittering: brilliant ink was flowing from the bark of the tree. he watched the spectacle in amazement. happiness came over him, he touched the ink and his skin began to tingle. it tingled and tingled and then he felt his hands and arms, his feet and legs dissolve. after a few minutes he could only see the tip of his nose... eventually he disappeared completely. 
day 3 | SEA: the next time the little goblin opened his eyes, he didn't trust them. he found himself on a beautiful sailboat. the wide sea lay in front of him and the sun was just setting. where had he ended up? and who had heard his wishes? what freedom! 
day 4 | SLEEP: after the little goblin had reenacted the cheerful excerpts from the film Titanic “I am the king of the world”, he looked around the pantries: they were full to the brim and the little goblin was filling his stomach. when it got completely dark, he anchored in a bay and lay down in the cozy cabin. after thinking a little more about his sudden change in life, he fell asleep.
day 5 | UNDERGROUND: in a dream the little goblin saw the bottom of the sea. at the beginning of his dream he was amazed at the beautiful plants and stones. suddenly dangerous underwater creatures appeared to him, which really scared him. where were his siblings who always calmed him down when he was so scared? 
day 6 | ILLUSSION: finally, the little goblin discovered a large treasure chest in his dream that was full of gold and jewelry. and an inkwell could also be seen in it. the little goblin wished he could take all the things with him and share them with his siblings. he woke up from his dream alone and sad. what good is the most beautiful ship, full pantries and the wide sea if he can't share all that and his joy with anyone?
day 7 | FOUND: the next day passed and the little goblin sat in a corner of the ship, moping. if only shimmering, glittering ink were there again - he would wish to go home immediately. time passed - hours, days maybe even a week. then the little goblin heard someone calling. the voices sounded familiar. he ran to the railing: his family had been looking for him - and found him!
day 8 | HOME: do you realize - all the falls and flights - all the sleepless nights - all the smiles and sighs - they brought you here - they only brought you home {Lyrics, Boy}
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